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Cass Health DAISY Award Winners

Sara Beth Jones, RN BSN
The Nomination
Sara Beth has always been a positive presence when I have been at the hospital myself, my husband, or with my children. She often offers a helping hand by holding my child while they receive a vaccine after well child appointments. Her calm, professional, caring manner is unmatched.
I also know Sara Beth personally. Her dedication to her job is unmatched. She more often than not drops everything outside of her work life for her work family. Whether that is a patient or patient's family in the ER, Labor and Delivery, or on the floor that needs a hand held or a prayer said.
God called Sara Beth to her workplace because she brings a calm demeanor to people who often are going through a tragedy. She also often covers for the employees when their personal lives call them away from their jobs. She truly is a lifesaver in more aspects than one.
By way of leading by example her kids will grow up to serve the community that they settle in. We can only hope to keep them close. She can be found at the hospital working back to back day shift and night shift while serving students by walking beside them as they learn to provide care to patients just as she does.
She will be the first to say she does not do any of this for the spotlight but more so for her workplace so that it can run smoothly and continue to bring top notch care to southwest Iowa. We are all better people to know, and work/interact with such a shining star.