Support Your Community's Well-Being
Cass Health's slogan is Neighbors Caring for Neighbors, and it certainly takes a generous community to help everyone at Cass Health provide exceptional care to our patients, families, and friends. Use the links to learn more about volunteer opportunities, Public Health, scholarships, and the Cass Health Foundation — and how you can be a part of Neighbors Caring for Neighbors.
About the Cass Health Foundation
By contributing to the Cass Health Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization, area organizations and residents help ensure that highly trained staff, modern medical equipment and the latest in technology are available when and where Cass County needs it.
The Cass Health Foundation was established in 1968 as the "Dorothy S. Kelloway Diagnostic & Research Foundation." While the name was changed along the way, the purpose has remained the same -- to provide funding to Cass Health for equipment, education, service and facility needs. The Foundation manages the Louis and Elsie Hansen Memorial Scholarship fund. The Cass Health Foundation is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors.
The Cass Health Foundation has an annual fundraising campaign every winter, a spring gala, and sponsors a golf benefit in August. These activities, along with planned giving and capital campaigns, provide the financial means for the Foundation to achieve its mission. Personal gifts are accepted throughout the year. For more information, contact Cass Health Foundation Director Beth Spieker at 712-243-7545.
Donations help a rural community retain high quality healthcare services and facilities, such as an orthopedic surgery center, physical therapy clinic, rehabilitation services, OB-GYN clinic and a wide variety of other health services. Your donations help make it possible for Cass County residents to stay close to home when medical care and services are needed.
We are immensely grateful to the organizations, people and families who help improve the health of patients and the community through their generous donations. That community generosity is one of the many ways we are able to live our motto, Neighbors Caring for Neighbors.