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Cass Health DAISY Award Winners

Tammy Wyman, LPN
The Nomination
I've stared at this little nomination box, wrote, deleted, started again and deleted that, because I can't seem to find words with enough depth to describe the kindness and genuine empathy Nurse Tammy Wyman showed me and my husband on what was one of the worst days of our lives. I met Tammy as a new patient of Dr. Chang’s. I remember feeling anxious as I arrived to my first appointment with Dr. Chang at Cass Health and feeling immediately at ease the moment Tammy stepped into the room. She was bright and cheerful with a warm smile, actively listened to me as I shared my health history and concerns, and assured me that I was in good hands with Dr. Chang. The months that followed were many interactions like this one with Tammy; every phone call, appointment, procedure, etc., she took her time to answer each question without making me feel insecure or vulnerable like, unfortunately, so many other doctors and nurses had in the past. I felt incredibly cared for at Cass Health with Dr. Chang and Tammy. I found out that my husband and I were expecting our first child! I was nervous and excited when I called Dr. Chang’s office to set up an appointment. When Tammy answered the phone, she shared in my enthusiasm and joy, answered my questions, and insisted I call back if I had any questions or concerns. My husband and I headed to Cass Health for our first ultrasound. With nervous butterflies in tow, I laid on the examine table holding my husband’s hand, waiting to see our tiny baby and hear its little heartbeat, a baby that we had hoped and prayed for. But the joyous moment never came. Instead, the words that followed were those that no parent wants to hear. We had lost our first baby. Tammy led us from diagnostic imaging to our patient room to meet with Dr. Chang after our ultrasound. The moments that followed are those that I will forever be grateful to Tammy for. As tears streamed down my face, she closed the door to our patient room and grieved with us. She was empathetic and understanding. She cried with us, hugged us, shared personal stories of loss, and most importantly made us feel less alone. Tammy gave me a small gift on behalf of Cass Health for mothers who have experienced pregnancy loss, it included a small necklace that I still wear every day. I’m sure to Tammy it was just another day on the job, but to us, her empathy and warmth meant the world. Tammy’s passion for nursing comes through in her compassion for people. I want to thank her for making an extremely painful time, a little more tolerable. We left Cass Health that day with permission to grieve a child we never knew, and that was a gift Tammy unknowingly gave us in and of itself.